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You want to make your company even more successful? Yes? Then hire a CEO! There are many candidates who will be happy to help you take your company even further with the help of their skills. Each person has their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of production costs and duration, raw material consumption and maintenance requirements. Take a closer look at the different CEOs and their skills before choosing one.
 You can find the application list of CEOs in the Company headquarters. Click on the button "CEO Office" in the lower left corner and then on the "+". You can now view and hire a CEO for your company by clicking on their picture. Please note that you must first pay each CEO a hiring bonus. The salary will then be due every 7 days, so make sure you have enough funds on the side to pay your employee for their services. The hiring bonus and salary varies depending on the CEO's expertise and can be made up of both money and diamonds. (See Currencies)
If you want to hire another CEO, go to the CEO office in the Company headquarters and click on the picture of your previous CEO. A list of all CEOs will open. You can now hire another one there by clicking on his picture. Note that you now have to pay a hiring bonus again. The salary cycle will now be set to 7 days again.
If you don't have enough money to pay your CEO, then he quits, i.e. he is no longer available to you and you have to hire him (or others) again first.

Profiles of the CEOs

Below you will find a listing of the different CEOs and their skills: